First off, here are the pictures of my two classes. The school year has been AMAZING so far. I have two wonderful classes of students. Things could not be going any better. Other teachers will talk to me about some of their trouble children and I almost feel guilty because my classes are so awesome. As you will notice, one of my classes as 18 boys! I don't know how I get stuck with all the boys, but I don't mind because they all have been pretty sweet so far. I am just so happy to be back in Kindergarten. I LOVE IT!
The next couple of pictures are from a stake achievement day activity that Makenna had a couple of weeks ago. We went up to Camp Easton and did some kayaking and just played around. I don't know if Makenna will want to go kayaking again any time soon. She got pretty frustrated that she couldn't control the kayak. The first picture is of her after she gave up and didn't want to move anymore. After that we just decided to go canoeing !